NHS.UK syndication case study Kent Youth and Child Health
Find out how the Kent Community Health Foundation Trust (KCHFT) uses content from the NHS website in their service.
About Kent Youth and Child Health
KCHFT launched the Kent Youth and Child Health website aimed at children between 4 and 19 and their parents and teachers.

It provides them with health information and signposts to local services.
The main aim of the website is to promote the Schools Health Service in Kent.
Parents, children and professionals can contact or refer directly to the Schools Health Service from the website.
They can also find contact details for other local services.
The Kent Youth and Child Health website launched in 2018 and currently averages 8,000 visits a month.
How Kent Youth and Child Health uses NHS content
Content on the website covers a vast range of topics, such as anxiety, bedwetting, bullying, exam stress, healthy eating, sex, smoking and speech difficulties.

All content is sourced from the Health A to Z published on the NHS website.
KCHFT first signed up to syndication early in 2018, and use the Health A to Z and Live Well APIs to integrate content with their pages.
Get started with our APIs
If you’re interested in using content from the NHS website in your product or service, find out about how to start using our APIs.