Who can get it

Who's more likely to get sepsis

Anyone with an infection can get sepsis.

Some people are more likely to get an infection that could lead to sepsis, including:

If you're more likely to get an infection that could lead to sepsis and you become unwell, get medical help as soon as you can. Let the medical team know about any conditions you have or reasons why you might be more at risk.

You cannot catch sepsis from another person. It happens when your body overreacts to an infection.

How to help prevent infections

It's not always possible to prevent sepsis.

There are things you can do to help prevent infections that can lead to sepsis.


  • keep up to date with vaccines, particularly for babies, children, older people and pregnant women

  • clean and care for any wounds

  • take antibiotics correctly – follow the instructions and take all your prescribed antibiotics, even if you feel better

  • wash your hands regularly and teach children how to wash their hands well


Page last reviewed: 5 September 2022
Next review due: 5 September 2025