How to get an autism assessment

1. Talk to someone for advice

If you think you or your child have signs of autism, the next step is to talk to someone about it.

You could speak to:

Ask them about referring you or your child for an autism assessment.

An assessment is done by autism specialists. It's the only way to find out if you or your child are autistic.

Tips for when you speak to someone


  • write a list of the signs of autism you think you or your child have and bring it with you

  • ask people who know you or your child well (like friends, family or teachers) if they have noticed any possible signs you could put on your list

  • bring a pen and paper so you can take notes

  • bring your child or someone who knows you well with you, if you think it might help (you do not have to)


  • try not to talk too much about other things – autism should be the main thing you talk about

2. Have an autism assessment

An autism assessment is where a team of autism specialists check if you or your child are autistic.

An assessment team may:

At the end of the assessment, you'll be given a report saying if you or your child are autistic.

Find out what happens during an autism assessment

How a diagnosis can help

Parents and children

For parents and children, a diagnosis can help you:


For adults, a diagnosis can help you:

If you find it hard to get an assessment

It's not always easy to get an autism assessment. Waiting times can also be very long.

If you're finding it hard to get an assessment, you could ask to speak to someone else, like another GP – this is called getting a second opinion.

It may also help to speak to other people who have been in a similar situation.

Find out about where to get support

Page last reviewed: 7 September 2022
Next review due: 7 September 2025