Tailbone (coccyx) pain

Tailbone pain is pain in the bone at the base of the spine (coccyx), near the top of your bottom. There are things you can do to ease the pain, but get medical help if it does not get better after a few weeks.

Check if you have tailbone (coccyx) pain

The main symptom of tailbone (coccyx) pain is pain and tenderness at the base of your spine, near the top of your bottom.

It may feel dull and achy most of the time, with occasional sharp pains.

The pain may be worse:

You may also find it difficult to sleep and carry out daily activities.

How you can ease tailbone (coccyx) pain yourself

Tailbone (coccyx) pain may improve after a few weeks, but it can sometimes last longer. There are some things you can do to help ease the pain.


  • sit correctly – maintain good posture with your lower back supported

  • use a specially designed coccyx cushion when sitting – sitting on an exercise ball can also help

  • lie on your side to reduce the pressure on your coccyx

  • try pelvic floor exercises (particularly important during pregnancy)

  • use an ice pack (or a bag of frozen peas) wrapped in a towel on the affected area for 20 to 30 minutes – you can also use a heat pack for longer

  • use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen to help reduce the pain

  • use a laxative to soften your poo if the pain is worse when pooing – ask a pharmacist for a laxative that softens poo


  • do not sit for a long time

  • do not wear clothes that are tight around your bottom and lower back, like some types of jeans

Non-urgent advice: See a GP if:

  • tailbone (coccyx) pain has not improved after a few weeks of trying treatments at home
  • the pain is affecting your daily activities
  • you have a high temperature, tailbone pain and pain in another area, such as in your tummy or lower back

Treatments for tailbone (coccyx) pain

Further treatments are available if simple things like pelvic floor exercises and ibuprofen have not helped your tailbone (coccyx) pain.

The 2 treatments that may be recommended first are:

If physiotherapy and injections do not help reduce the pain, surgery to remove part or all of your coccyx may be recommended.


Self-refer for treatment

If you have tailbone (coccyx) pain, you might be able to refer yourself directly to services for help with your condition without seeing a GP.

To find out if there are any services in your area:

  • ask the receptionist staff at your GP surgery
  • check your GP surgery's website
  • contact your local integrated care board (ICB) – find your local ICB
  • search online for NHS treatment for tailbone (coccyx) pain near you

Causes of tailbone (coccyx) pain

Common causes of tailbone (coccyx) pain include:

Sometimes the cause of tailbone pain is unknown.

Page last reviewed: 15 March 2022
Next review due: 15 March 2025