
Treatment can help prevent further damage to the brain in people with vascular dementia and may slow down its progression.

But there's currently no cure for the condition or a way to reverse the damage that's already happened.

Care plans

Before treatment starts, your current and future health and social care needs will be assessed and a care plan will be created. This is to make sure you receive the right treatment for your needs.

A care plan identifies areas where you may need help, such as:

Read more about care plans.

Lifestyle changes

The main aim of treatment for vascular dementia is to treat the underlying cause to help stop the condition getting worse.

This will usually involve making healthy lifestyle changes, such as:


Medicines may also be offered to treat the underlying cause of vascular dementia and help stop it getting worse.

These include:

An antipsychotic medicine, such as haloperidol or risperidone, may sometimes be given to people showing persistent aggression or extreme distress where there's a risk of harm to themselves or others. A consultant psychiatrist should be involved in deciding whether to prescribe this medicine.

Alzheimer's disease medicines, such as donepezil (Aricept), galantamine (Reminyl), rivastigmine (Exelon) or memantine are not used to treat vascular dementia, but may be used in people who have a combination of vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Support and other therapies

There are also several therapies and practical measures that can help make everyday living easier for someone with dementia.

These include:

It can also be helpful to get in touch with a support group, such as the Alzheimer's Society or Dementia UK.

Read more about other treatments for dementia and living well with dementia.

End of life and legal issues

If you have been diagnosed with dementia, you might want to make arrangements for your care that take into account the decline in your mental abilities.

This may include making sure that your wishes are upheld if you're not able to make decisions for yourself.

You may want to consider:

Read more about managing legal affairs for someone with dementia and end of life planning.

Help and advice for carers

If you care for someone with dementia, you may find it helpful to read more about:

Page last reviewed: 8 June 2023
Next review due: 8 June 2025