
Symptoms vary according to the type of peripheral neuropathy and may develop quickly or slowly.

The main types of peripheral neuropathy include:

In many cases, someone with peripheral neuropathy may have more than one of these types of peripheral neuropathy at the same time.

A combination of sensory and motor neuropathy is particularly common (sensorimotor polyneuropathy).

Sensory neuropathy

Symptoms of sensory neuropathy can include:

Motor neuropathy

Symptoms of motor neuropathy can include:

Autonomic neuropathy

Symptoms of autonomic neuropathy can include:


Depending on the specific nerve affected, symptoms of mononeuropathy can include:

The most common type of mononeuropathy is carpal tunnel syndrome. The carpal tunnel is a small tunnel in your wrist.

In carpal tunnel syndrome, the median nerve becomes compressed where it passes through this tunnel, which may cause tingling, pain or numbness in the fingers.

Page last reviewed: 10 October 2022
Next review due: 10 October 2025