
It's not possible to completely prevent lymphoedema, but the following advice may help reduce your chances of developing it.

If you already have lymphoedema, this advice may stop it getting worse.

Skin care

The part of your body affected by lymphoedema is more vulnerable to infection of the build-up of fluid within the tissues.

Any cuts in your skin can allow bacteria to enter your body and may quickly develop into an infection.

Skin infections can also damage your lymphatic system and cause lymphoedema to develop.

You can reduce your chances of developing skin infections by:

Contact a GP as soon as possible if you develop symptoms of a possible skin infection. These symptoms may include redness or a feeling of heat in the skin.

Healthy lifestyle

Adopting a healthy lifestyle may help reduce your risk of developing lymphoedema, and may also help control the condition if you already have it.

This includes:

Read more about how to lose weight on the NHS Better Health website.

Page last reviewed: 1 August 2019
Next review due: 1 August 2022